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Satirical-humorous photo competition «VESELA KOPYTSIA» 2020

We cordially invited you to participate in Satirical-humorous photo competition «VESELA KOPYTSIA» 2020

Satirical-humorous photo competition «VESELA KOPYTSIA» 2020


Dolyna City Council


Dolyna City Council

Dolyna Museum of Local Lore “Boykivshchyna” by Tetiana and Оmelian Antonovych

Dolyna public photo club “Promin”

Guild of Galician Humorists



  1. Professional photographers and amateurs are invited to participate in the photo contest, regardless of country of residence and age.
  2. The participant submitting photos to the competition concurrently confirms that he is the author of the submitted works.
  3. Participation in the contest is free.
  4. A contestant can submit no more than 5 photographs in the form of electronic files in each nomination. Digital files should be in JPEG format, 8 BIT, RGB, 300dpi, 2600 px on the long side, up to 8 MB in size.
  5. Nominations: Free theme – F, Portrait – P, Genre – G.

6.Photos in all 3 nominations must correspond to the general concept of the competition (humorous topics)

  1. Photos are submitted to the following email address fotohumoryna@gmail.com with a note in the subject: On the photo competition “Vesela Kopytsia”. An input form is attached to the photos electronically.
  2. Sign files in Latin using the current transliteration as follows: #p_nomination_name Last name_Name of work_Town Country

1_R_Vasyl Petriv_Vesela kopytsia_Dolyna Ukraine

9.The organizers of the photo contest reserve the right to use photographs in further exhibitions, to prepare and publish information materials, printed products (catalogs, calendars, booklets, etc.) in publications on the media and on the Internet, on photo contests and so on. The organizers are obliged to provide a corresponding reference to the author of the work in any public reproduction of photographs.



 The last date of the photo submission is May 30, 2020

 The work of the jury and the announcement of the results of the jury work – June 01-30, 2020

 Opening of photo exhibition, awarding winners – July 07, 2020

 Catalog distribution – July-August 2020


Satirical-humorous photo competition «VESELA KOPYTSIA» 2020


The winners of the photo contest are awarded with medals and diplomas of the National Union of Photo Artists of Ukraine, diplomas and certificates of the organizing committee, partners and sponsors of the competition, monetary rewards, valuable and special prizes in each nomination. The prize fund will be announced at a later stage.

Satirical-humorous photo competition «VESELA KOPYTSIA» 2020







Boykivshchyna Museum by Tetiana and Оmelian Antonovych

Chornovola str. 2a, 77503 DOLYNA ,


Ivano-Frankivsk region

+38(03477)2.79.00; +380669471094;


Satirical-humorous photo competition «VESELA KOPYTSIA» 2020Satirical-humorous photo competition «VESELA KOPYTSIA» 2020Satirical-humorous photo competition «VESELA KOPYTSIA» 2020

Веб-сайт Краєзнавчого музею "Бойківщина" Тетяни і Омеляна Антоновичів розроблено за фінансування Уряду Канади через Фонд сприяння розвитку малих і середніх підприємств проекту міжнародної технічної допомоги «Партнерство для розвитку міст» (Проект ПРОМІС). Проект ПРОМІС впроваджує Федерація канадських муніципалітетів (ФКМ) за фінансової підтримки Міністерства міжнародних справ Канади. Контент веб-сайту є виключно думкою авторів та необов’язково відображає офіційну позицію Міністерства міжнародних справ Канади та ФКМ. Більше про Проект ПРОМІС на веб-сайті, (натисніть на картинку, щоб перейти).